Buchweizenbrot - Rezept von Regine Freyberg - @veganrockyou
Schüssel 1: • 650 ml Wasser • 4 EL (Geschrotete) Leinsamen • 3 EL Flohsamenschalen • 2,5 EL Ahornsirup, Xylit, Reissirup, etc. • 2 EL Apfel-Essig Schüssel 2: • 300 g Buchweizenmehl (oder andere Mehle, wobei ich immer dem Buchweizenmehl den größten Anteil gegeben habe), Reismehl, Maismehl, etc. • 100 g Flocken (Hafer-, Buchweizen-, Reis-, etc.) • 1,5 TL Backpulver • 0,5 TL Natron • 1,5 TL Meersalz • 100 g Gemischte Körner & getrocknete Früchte, (z.B. eine Mischung aus Buchweizen, Sesam, Kürbis, Leinsamen, Mohn oder Sonnenblumenkerne, Rosinen, Backpflaumen, Aprikosen, Datteln) • Optional: Gewürze wie Zimt, Kardamom, Ingwer, etc. hinzufügen • Topping optional: Mohn, Sesam, etc. • Kokosöl, zum Bestreichen der Backform oder Backpapier Zubereitung 1 Die Zutaten (Wasser, Ahornsirup, Apfelessig, Leinsamen, Flohsamenschalen) in eine große Rührschüssel geben und stehen lassen solange die anderen Zutaten gemischt werden. 2 Die Zutaten (Mehl, Flocken, Körner, Backpulver, Natron und Salz) in einer zweiten Rührschüssel gut vermischen. Dann den trockenen Mix mit dem flüssigen Mix gut vermischen. Ich bereite das Brot immer am Abend zuvor vor, dann den Backofen natürlich erst am nächsten Morgen vorheizen :-) 5 Den Ofen auf 180°C vorheizen, eine Brotbackform mit Kokosöl bestreichen oder mit Backpapier auslegen. 6 Den Teig in die vorbereitete Backform geben und mit einem Küchenspachtel die Oberfläche glatt streichen. Ein paar Körner darüber verteilen, evtl noch ein paar Gewürze und Zuckerstreusel (wenn z.B. Trockenfrüchte verwendet wurden). 7 Die Form in den vorgeheizten Ofen geben und goldbraun backen (70-75 Minuten). Das Brot ist fertig wenn es in der Mitte fest ist (und wenn Ihr einen Zahnstocher hinein stecht, sollte er sauber wieder herauskommen). 8 Das Brot aus dem Ofen nehmen und auf einen Rost zum Abkühlen stellen. Das Brot aus der Form nehmen, sobald es nicht mehr zu heiß zum Anfassen ist (oder einfach mit samt dem Backpapier herausheben), somit wird verhindert, dass das Brot anfängt zu schwitzen. Es schneidet sich besser, wenn es abgekühlt ist, schmeckt aber natürlich warm am Besten!! Life-Changing Bread - Un pain qui change la vie
Ce délicieux pain est facile à préparer. Ce n'est pas du pain au sens traditionnel du terme, car il n'y a pas de fermentation, mais il te procurera le même sentiment de satisfaction qu'une tranche de pain (traditionnel) avec du beurre ! Il ne contient pas de gluten (sauf peut-être des traces trouvées dans l'avoine). N'utilise que des ingrédients biologiques, car en faisant cela, tu soutiens à la fois la planète et ceux qui plantent et récoltent les fruits de la terre pour toi. Temps de préparation : 15 minutes | 2 heures ou toute une nuit Temps de cuisson : environ 50 minutes au total Ingrédients :
Mélange tous les ingrédients secs, en remuant bien. Fouette le sirop, l'huile et l'eau ensemble dans une tasse à mesurer. Ajoute cela aux ingrédients secs et mélange très bien avec tes mains, en sentant les textures des ingrédients, jusqu'à ce que tout soit complètement imbibé et que la pâte devienne très épaisse. Place le mélange dans un moule à pain, tapissé d'une bande de papier sulfurisé au fond et presse le mélange dans le moule. Bien tasser! Couvre avec un torchon en coton humide et laisse reposer pendant environ 2 heures, ou toute la journée ou toute la nuit. Lorsque le pain s'est solidifié, préchauffe le four à 180°C. Place le moule à pain dans le four sur la grille du milieu, et fais cuire pendant 20 minutes environ. Retire ensuite le pain du moule à pain, enlève le papier, place le pain à l'envers directement sur la grille et fais-le cuire pendant 30 à 40 minutes supplémentaires. Le pain est cuit lorsqu'il sonne creux lorsqu'on le tape. Laisse-le refroidir complètement avant de le couper en tranches et de le déguster avec la pâte à tartiner de ton choix. "Everything you seek is already in you" Rumi
Dear Reader, I have just come back from a beautiful yoga retreat in the French Alps. What the participants cherished most, was the opportunity to gather, to practice and to have time to just be. The photo above was taken just before our beautiful cacao ceremony. "There is a synergy, a sympathetic resonance, and an entrainment of our hearts that occurs when we meet others whose vibration is an energetic match to ours. There is a fire that is ignited, a celebration, and joy in the coming together with kin." I will be offering similar retreats throughout the year and hope to have the programme up shortly. In these times of inner and outer turmoil, I find it particularly challenging to plan ahead - as if I had an inner resistance to create what I used be able to do so easily. I sometimes feel quite disoriented, question whether what I am doing has a purpose - seeing what is going on in the world, I find it more difficult to maintain my lightness of being. I wonder if you feel the same... What helps me is poetry, reading that part of the human condition is in fact to wonder, to despair sometimes, but to never give up on hope. William Butler Yeats in his beautiful "Song of Wandering Aengus" goes out, into the hazel wood, to find peace of mind and to see his longing for life and love rekindle. When I go into nature, I experience the same. I reconnect to beauty, to natural rhythms, to hope. My yoga and meditation practice help to keep me grounded and facilitate the access to my inner well-spring of peace and calm. It reminds me that there is something larger than us, which we need to trust and surrender to time and time again. It is in this spirit of reconnection that I am offering a series of online yoga classes starting next Tuesday morning. The focus will be placed on creating balance within using the age-old notion that as part of nature, we hold all the elements inside, and by harmonising these, body and mind become calm. I would love to see you, if you feel you would benefit. Let me know how you are, I would love to reconnect. Love all ways, Selina The Song of Wandering Aengus by William Butler Yeats I went out to the hazel wood, Because a fire was in my head, And cut and peeled a hazel wand, And hooked a berry to a thread; And when white moths were on the wing, And moth-like stars were flickering out, I dropped the berry in a stream And caught a little silver trout. When I had laid it on the floor I went to blow the fire a-flame, But something rustled on the floor, And someone called me by my name: It had become a glimmering girl With apple blossom in her hair Who called me by my name and ran And faded through the brightening air. Though I am old with wandering Through hollow lands and hilly lands, I will find out where she has gone, And kiss her lips and take her hands; And walk among long dappled grass, And pluck till time and times are done, The silver apples of the moon, The golden apples of the sun. Read the full newsletter here Brownies
Preparation time: 15 mins Cooking time: 25 mins Pre-heat the oven to 180°C Ingredients: 150g gluten-free flour (see recipe #04) 180g dark chocolate 160g butter 4 eggs 150g brown sugar 100g pecan nuts Melt the butter and chocolate together in a saucepan and mix well. Beat the eggs and sugar together using a hand mixer and then gently stir in the chocolate mixture. Add the flour and continue mixing making sure the mixture is smooth. Pour the mixture into a coated 24cm diameter tin, or small baking dish lined with baking paper. Place the coarsely chopped pecans on top and bake for approximately 25 minutes. Prick the cake with a toothpick, it should be slightly crusty on the outside and soft in the middle. Gluten-Free Flour for Cakes
320g rice flour 240g corn starch 100g ground almonds 2 teaspoons xanthan gum (or psyllium seed husks) - to bind the flour Mix all ingredients together and place in a jar. Use whenever you would like to make gluten-free cakes, pastries or pancakes. It is very empowering to cultivate rituals of self-care. By nurturing ourselves with a rhythm of feel-good activities, we are able to boost our immune system, boost our mood and lastly increase our resilience, making it easier to remain calm and focused and act from a place of centredness.
Here a list of things I do every day, which you might want to try out, too. Let me know, if you notice a difference in how you feel in general... 1) Fill the first moments of your day with gratitude
"Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life." - Rumi I am presently reading "Braiding Sweetgrass" - an elegy to indigenous cultures and to Mother Nature. Author Robin Wall Kimmerer reminds us that "(...) In a consumer society, contentment is a radical proposition. Recognising abundance rather than scarcity undermines an economy that thrives by creating unmet desires. Gratitude cultivates an ethic of fullness, but the economy needs emptiness. (...)" Carrot & Courgette Cake gluten free - lactose free - delicious - sweet - healthy Pre-heat the oven to approx. 180°C 450g shredded carrots and courgettes 130g brown sugar (or slightly less) 200g ground almonds 4 eggs from happy organically fed chickens 1tsp baking powder mixed with a pinch of wheat flour nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon and orange zest, … your choice of delicious spices... Whisk the sugar and the eggs together, add the baking powder, the ground almonds and spices, lemon and or orange zest, then fold in the shredded vegetables. The mixture is very moist and will have dripping consistency. Place into a non-stick cake mould, or: gently lace a tin with a bit of butter and ground almonds so that the cake does not stick. The cake is ready after about 40 minutes - a skewer or toothpick inserted should come out clean. Remove from oven and let it cool before serving. “People say that the soul, on hearing the song of creation, entered the body, but in reality the soul itself was the song.” Hafiz ☘️Spring ☘️- I wake up every morning to the song of the birds - and with additional time on hand and the peace of silenced motors - I do believe that I have honed my listening skills. I am able to distinguish the territorial call of a robin from that of a blackbird, from the chirping of a bullfinch, the sounding of starlings... and every morning these little animals voice their delight at being alive. David G. Haskell calls birds "quick-fingered jewellers of air, crafting dozens of ornamented gems every second."
And, just as the birds sing their day into creation, humans, too, since the beginning of time have thought of sound, the word and by extension the song to be the first elements in the process of manifestation. In many beliefs and religions, the "saviour" is an embodiment of the word. Around the world now, lockdown is being loosened, we are getting out again after this period of extended hibernation. A wonderful thing, of course. Admittedly, I am feeling slightly nostalgic already for this cocooned calm, yet eager, too, to sing my new song. I am not too sure I know the words yet, though... I think I will start with a humming - like the sound of the bumble bees on the blossoms of May. A part of this new song will certainly be an offering of regular online classes for anybody, who feels like discovering more about the correlation of movement and breath, about that one flow that brings us back to who we are. The ritual of self-discovery and lastly that of self-love. Another important part of this new song will be a regular collaboration with persons I hold in high esteem and whose message I would like to share with you. On the topic of words, voice and the ritual of self-discovery, I am very happy to announce two Sunday workshops with my friend, singer and songwriter Daphne Tse. She joined some of our classes last week and touched our hearts. Irish author John O'Donohue when asked about beauty once said "(...) music is what language would love to be if it could (...)"! So, I hope you join us for this (limited spots!). Oh, and the song of the waves has become another one of my "constants" in these times of change, and I have been putting guided meditations online for you, recorded at the ocean's edge |
Selina GulleryYoga teacher, exploring the art of living a soulful and awakened life. Archives
December 2023