Buchweizenbrot - Rezept von Regine Freyberg - @veganrockyou
Schüssel 1: • 650 ml Wasser • 4 EL (Geschrotete) Leinsamen • 3 EL Flohsamenschalen • 2,5 EL Ahornsirup, Xylit, Reissirup, etc. • 2 EL Apfel-Essig Schüssel 2: • 300 g Buchweizenmehl (oder andere Mehle, wobei ich immer dem Buchweizenmehl den größten Anteil gegeben habe), Reismehl, Maismehl, etc. • 100 g Flocken (Hafer-, Buchweizen-, Reis-, etc.) • 1,5 TL Backpulver • 0,5 TL Natron • 1,5 TL Meersalz • 100 g Gemischte Körner & getrocknete Früchte, (z.B. eine Mischung aus Buchweizen, Sesam, Kürbis, Leinsamen, Mohn oder Sonnenblumenkerne, Rosinen, Backpflaumen, Aprikosen, Datteln) • Optional: Gewürze wie Zimt, Kardamom, Ingwer, etc. hinzufügen • Topping optional: Mohn, Sesam, etc. • Kokosöl, zum Bestreichen der Backform oder Backpapier Zubereitung 1 Die Zutaten (Wasser, Ahornsirup, Apfelessig, Leinsamen, Flohsamenschalen) in eine große Rührschüssel geben und stehen lassen solange die anderen Zutaten gemischt werden. 2 Die Zutaten (Mehl, Flocken, Körner, Backpulver, Natron und Salz) in einer zweiten Rührschüssel gut vermischen. Dann den trockenen Mix mit dem flüssigen Mix gut vermischen. Ich bereite das Brot immer am Abend zuvor vor, dann den Backofen natürlich erst am nächsten Morgen vorheizen :-) 5 Den Ofen auf 180°C vorheizen, eine Brotbackform mit Kokosöl bestreichen oder mit Backpapier auslegen. 6 Den Teig in die vorbereitete Backform geben und mit einem Küchenspachtel die Oberfläche glatt streichen. Ein paar Körner darüber verteilen, evtl noch ein paar Gewürze und Zuckerstreusel (wenn z.B. Trockenfrüchte verwendet wurden). 7 Die Form in den vorgeheizten Ofen geben und goldbraun backen (70-75 Minuten). Das Brot ist fertig wenn es in der Mitte fest ist (und wenn Ihr einen Zahnstocher hinein stecht, sollte er sauber wieder herauskommen). 8 Das Brot aus dem Ofen nehmen und auf einen Rost zum Abkühlen stellen. Das Brot aus der Form nehmen, sobald es nicht mehr zu heiß zum Anfassen ist (oder einfach mit samt dem Backpapier herausheben), somit wird verhindert, dass das Brot anfängt zu schwitzen. Es schneidet sich besser, wenn es abgekühlt ist, schmeckt aber natürlich warm am Besten!! Brownies
Preparation time: 15 mins Cooking time: 25 mins Pre-heat the oven to 180°C Ingredients: 150g gluten-free flour (see recipe #04) 180g dark chocolate 160g butter 4 eggs 150g brown sugar 100g pecan nuts Melt the butter and chocolate together in a saucepan and mix well. Beat the eggs and sugar together using a hand mixer and then gently stir in the chocolate mixture. Add the flour and continue mixing making sure the mixture is smooth. Pour the mixture into a coated 24cm diameter tin, or small baking dish lined with baking paper. Place the coarsely chopped pecans on top and bake for approximately 25 minutes. Prick the cake with a toothpick, it should be slightly crusty on the outside and soft in the middle. Gluten-Free Flour for Cakes
320g rice flour 240g corn starch 100g ground almonds 2 teaspoons xanthan gum (or psyllium seed husks) - to bind the flour Mix all ingredients together and place in a jar. Use whenever you would like to make gluten-free cakes, pastries or pancakes. Carrot & Courgette Cake gluten free - lactose free - delicious - sweet - healthy Pre-heat the oven to approx. 180°C 450g shredded carrots and courgettes 130g brown sugar (or slightly less) 200g ground almonds 4 eggs from happy organically fed chickens 1tsp baking powder mixed with a pinch of wheat flour nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon and orange zest, … your choice of delicious spices... Whisk the sugar and the eggs together, add the baking powder, the ground almonds and spices, lemon and or orange zest, then fold in the shredded vegetables. The mixture is very moist and will have dripping consistency. Place into a non-stick cake mould, or: gently lace a tin with a bit of butter and ground almonds so that the cake does not stick. The cake is ready after about 40 minutes - a skewer or toothpick inserted should come out clean. Remove from oven and let it cool before serving. Life-Changing Bread This delicious loaf is easy to make. It is not bread in the traditional sense of the word, as no fermentation is involved, yet will give you the same sense of satisfaction as munching on a slice of (traditional) bread and butter! It contains no gluten (except maybe for traces found in the oats). Please only use organic ingredients, as by doing so, you support both the planet and those who plant and harvest the fruits of the earth for you. Preparation time: 15 mins | 2 hours or overnight Cooking time: approx. 50 mins in total Ingredients: 135g sunflower seeds 90g flax seeds (ground!) 65g hazelnuts or almonds (chopped or ground) 145g rolled oats 2 tablespoons (tbsp.) chia seeds 4 tbsp. psyllium seed husks (3 tbsp. if using psyllium husk powder) A pinch or two of fine grain untreated sea salt & freshly ground black pepper & spices such as coriander seeds ground with a pestle and mortar, or cumin seeds, caraway seeds... A dash of maple or agave syrup (optional) 3 tbsp. melted coconut oil 350ml warm water Combine all dry ingredients, stirring well. Whisk syrup, oil and water together in a measuring cup. Add this to the dry ingredients and mix very well with your hands, feeling the textures of the ingredients, until everything is completely soaked and the dough becomes very thick. Place the mixture into a loaf tin, lined with a strip of baking paper at the bottom and press the mixture into the tin. Cover with a damp cotton dish cloth and let it sit out for about 2 hours, or all day or overnight. When the loaf has solidified, preheat oven to 180°C. Place the loaf pan in the oven on the middle rack, and bake for 20 minutes or so. Then remove the bread from loaf pan, place it upside down directly on the rack and bake for another 30-40 minutes. The bread is done once it sounds hollow when tapped. Let it cool completely before slicing it and enjoying it with the spread of your choice. (Recipe based on an idea by http://www.mynewroots.org/) |
Selina GulleryYoga teacher, exploring the art of living a soulful and awakened life. Archives
December 2023